
[.What are We Thankful For?.]

Despite the number of emails I have received asking whether I do, in fact, need some bail money, the answer is no, thank you. I am not in jail. I am not in jail, or kidnapped, or shipwrecked, or anything else remotely interesting.
"Hey, what does a psychotic break feel like?"


I had a rough weekend. But hey, it's getting better.
I have spent most of this week recovering, and not moving around very much. I am slug-like in my recovery. We have been watching a lot of television, and it is KILLING ME that nobody I know is watching Two & 1/2 Men, because really...well, I don't know. I just love John Cryor.
Anyway it's the day before Thanksgiving and tomorrow I'll be at my Mom's house. Where the primary cooks usually start out to be to be my Mom, Emily and myself, but which naturally turns into my Mom pretty much doing everything, while giving us "important," non-cooky jobs like, "wash the potatoes" and "turn on the oven and stand over there." The meal is always excellent, though, and the fact that I do not actually perform the bulk of the cooking does not prevent me from taking full credit.
"I cooked Thanksgiving dinner," I am telling everyone. "I made that."
But I lie.
Tomorrow is going to be hard. We just lost my Granny last Friday (don't want to talk about it) and it still hasn't really sunk in with any of us. My Grandpa will be coming over, which is wonderful because I was afraid he'd stay home by himself. So I think it's finally going to hit us, and it will hit us really hard.
My Mom suggested doing a craft day with the girls. That way we can keep busy. So we'll be making Christmas gifts, burning our fingers to the bone with glue guns, and as always...eating all day long.
Anyway, I'll be keeping distant and keeping busy...don't mind me now, it's just a crazy holiday season.


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