
[.She's SO Cool, She's ALL THAT.]

You know what I realized when I was on Myspace today? That TOAD THE WET SPROCKET is playing at the CANYON CLUB in AGOURA HILLS on December 31st. I think my heart just squealed and quivered.
So, pretty much my favorite singer/songwriter of the now is; Glen Phillips, former lead singer of the TTWS. And this man is just unreasonably talented, and his lyrics will make you see Jesus, every time. If you've never heard of him, I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you check him out, especially if you like pretty music and incredible lyrics. Folkiness. ANYWAY. More importantly, even, is that I am going to miss this FANTASTIC show and I'm bummed. Because I truly know that the possibility exists that I will fall madly in love with this man and offer to have a bucketful of his children.
Anyway. Not that you will ever trust my opinion again now that I have told you about my TTWS obsession (did I just abbreviate that? totally did), but I have to share something else now.
Hiiiiii! I am back! And I'm getting back into the comings and goings of attempting piano playing. Which rocks, as normal, in my usual manner of being exceedingly lame. Truly I can only play a moderatly average version of Bach's Canon D Major. But I'm trying guys! I've gots to learns some new ones for California.
My friend Casey has decided to call off her wedding (yes, that's a good thing) and Jocelyn has decided to finally break away from her husband. So in honor of the dissolution of marriage (and 170 invited guests to a wedding that will not happen) we're having a party instead! So I've got a magic list of over 100 songs that she would like/may like/could go either way that she would like all of us to play for her. And everytime I receive a new list, she gets wind of a new theme, like "The 80's", "Sock Hop", "Disney Showtunes". So I have absolutely no idea of my fate at this party.
I am all tired of typing right now. Which is unfortunate, seeing as I am just now getting to the actual point of this entry, which was, well actually let's be honest there's never a real point to my entries. But forces are clearly aligning against me, because in addition to leading us all off on a tangent, I also forgot the USB driver with a bunch of pictures on it. I'll make it up to all of you though, I'll scan some of my most embarassing high school moments and previous years. But we'll travel back in time to the awkward years, they are kind of amusing to me, but I’ve definitely seen worse. Maybe you have not, maybe I'll make your day while you're laughing at my pain.
The pictures I have..now these must have been from the tail-end of the 90's, and therefore, the end of the 80's and 90's fashions I so lovingly embraced. We were moving away from a time of platforms, adidas, 70's style bellbottoms and spaghetti straps.... and into a time where I longed to dress like Sarah Michelle Geller from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Rachel Leigh Cook from She's All That.
I stocked up on low waist jeans, mini skirts, chunky jewelry and skate shoes.
Yessir, high school was the beginning of many new experiences. And I promise, promise I'll scan pictures. If I'm feeling a little saucy, maybe I will tonight.

Hope everyone's having a beautiful Monday. :)


Carl 11.11.08  

So Chels,
I expect these pictures uploaded. And I expect them TODAY.

Jocelyn 11.11.08  

I'll pay for you to come out and see the show!
And you rock girl!

Anonymous,  11.11.08  

OMG I used to love "She's All That"! Best movie.
Remember how everyone said you looked like her? So crazy.
I can't wait to see all those old pictures of you. Isn't that supposed to be today? What the french, toast?

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