
[.Don't Stand So Close to Me.]

"Chelsey I've already SEEN THOSE PICTURES OF YOU!"


Yeah, I lied. I am so sorry.
I'm a failure.

I didn't scan my pictures and I obviously didn't post that blog what, two or three days ago like I promised. Instead you're stuck with these three photos I found.
I suck at life.

Bad stuff happens to me. a lot.
Now, I realize I bring a lot of it on myself, in that I'm outstandingly clumsy. and you all know that because it's been either mentioned or witnessed by some of you.
But the way my life works is that if there is only one faulty paper coffee cup in the whole lot, it will be the one Wendy's gives me, and not only will I drip coffee down my shirt, which on that day would be white, on my way to something important, but also I'm positive I will slip and fall on the coffee that dripped to the marble floor in the important building's entryway. And wouldn't you know it, there'd be a room full of people.
Lately I've been receiving quite a few emails about my hearing loss and what I'm really feeling about it. Opposed to what everyone believes is a front that I'm putting up to hide my fear and depression.
Honestly, I'm okay. I'm not putting up a front and I'm just trying to see the positive rather than the negative in an unfortunate situation. I'm even starting to believe that Deafness may in fact be a gift from God. And for what reasons, I give you the following;

One of my greatest pet peeves is inappropriate gum-chewing, by which I mean people who chew gum with their mouths gaping wide open where I can see and hear them. Did they stray from the herd and get lost in the cattle drive?

Awkward conversations. Who approaches the deaf kid?

When and IF I use a public restroom, I don't have to hear what's going on in the other stalls.

I can focus better on my work, now that I can't hear the noisy distractions.

I have the option to tune out your horrible music taste in your car. You all should be grateful, no more complaining and repetitious station changing.

And also, it has a positive effect on my communication. Reading people's lips while they are speaking to me is something I rely on right now. In doing this, I'm becoming less uncomfortable looking directly at someone during conversation.
So there you have it. It's allllll good.

Oh yeah, about those pictures,I will go through my garage tonight, hopefully I'll stumble across that old shoebox. I'm sure this has been figured out however..that I "will" usually means "I'll try" in which I'll likely get caught up in life and again forget to do so and disappoint all of you.
So for all my legions of fans (hi, you two) I will eventually get to it. You know, in "Chelsey's Window of Potentia".
So in the mean time, I'll pretend like this blog is interesting enough to hold you over.
it's kinda like walking down the street thinking you're attracting attention because you look hot when really your fly's just down.



Anonymous,  14.11.08  


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