
[[.Mickey Moose.]]

After working literally day and night on this, it's done. I hope you all cry, because I sure did, and then I would know it was worth it.
We all love and miss you very much Mickey.

View this montage created at One True Media
Mickey Reese


*Christie* 1.12.08  

Excellent slideshow hun, it's really really nice. HUGS.

Joe Mazzello 2.12.08  

Mickey was a really good guy. What had happened to him was so tragic. I wish I could've been around more to see him.

You did a really wonderful job Chels.
See ya in a couple of days.

Joe Mazzello 2.12.08  
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Anonymous,  4.12.08  

I cried, over and over. Aww I miss him. He was my favorite person in the entire family and my rock.
He was always, ALWAYS there when I needed him. One night I was completely devasted because Matt wanted to take a break.
He came over at 2 am just to listen to me cry and whine, he had class at 7:30.
Best cousin ever.

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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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