
[.Heat of the Moment.[

k. I feel bad.
I feel like I owe some of you an apology. or an explanation or something. See, I am way sarcastic. dry. tongue-in-cheek. (in addition to being somewhat of a narcissist and perhaps a nerd too .)
and so I should probably clarify: Hi, I'm not a contraversial blogger.
I didn't mean to offend anyone with my political opinions. I was merely venting.
So that being said... I totally love you all and have MAJOR crushes on, like, most of you. (not all of you, mind you, because i'm not *that* e-slutty.) (no seriously.) (okay whatever.)
I'm only a human being people.
I fall a lot. And spill. And trip. I am always bruised. (True story: as I was driving to work after lunch, I noticed that I had managed to get mascara on my pant leg, just under my knee and on the other leg near my thigh. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? I don't know. It just...does.) My friend refers to this as my "breezy elegance." I am trying to embrace it.
And could you even guess what I yelled when I looked down upon my sad pair of slacks and noticed this problem?
"Ohhh pumpernickle!". Huh? Who says pumpernickle? What is pumpernickle? And why would that be the first word upon the many that I know, that sums up my current frusteration? Do I have some kind of underlying hatred for Rye Bread? Or the Germans? Am I blaming the Nazis for my clumsiness? Hmph.
Seriously, I'm cute and fun and all, but I am also often a bit much at times. you know? Can you even imagine? Do you have any idea how much I talk? About nothing? And everything? All at once?

You really don't, and that's fine. That's probably why we're still friends.

Anyways, just thought I'd throw that all out there.

Oh. Yes. Hey...you guys...I'm going to California the first week of December. Suh-weet! =)


*Christie* 7.11.08  

I think your clumsiness is endearing. Of course I haven't dealt with it face to face so I might change my tune! :)
Hope I get to see you in December.

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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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