
[.Uncle Sam Wants Me? Oh, wants me to shut up.]

Since I don't feel very comfortable talking about my political views (again) I will try blogging about an entirely different subject. But before that, let me just say that I have not voted yet and I am not looking forward to standing in line at the booths.
A bunch of "No to Prop I don't care, No Prop 200 you are going to raise my taxes. Prop what? Is that Congress speak for 'bend over and we'll ram you?'.'Prop 102, if I vote no would that make me gay?'." no, heck no, pfft, no", 'choose this guy', 'he's weird', 'is that name of non-American decent?', 'oh..I remember that guy, his television ad made me choke on my fist'. "Ahh, the Presidential box....hmm, last thought before this impact I make on the entire country? Maybe I'll channel in McCain through brainwaves. 'Yo, if you're President Mr. McCain...[Note: superstition won't allow me to use the word "when" for fear I'll jinx things], I'm putting you on my speed dial, and I expect you to pick up when I call. When I tell you I want a little sugar for a pet project of mine, I expect to see sweets showering down from the heavens'. That'll be all."

Well crap, now I've done got myself all worked up over politics and find myself grasping for an incling of words that can sum up my frusteration and provide some knowledge for my left brain, blue bruising friends.
Do you ever feel like this?
I do sometimes. It's suffocating.

First and foremost, again, I am non-partisan. I did register as a Republican, this year.

I am not voting for McCain because I like the man. Because in all reality, I don't like the man. He was my last choice. For now, he's my only hope.
I do admire the fact that he fought so hard for this country and his passion is genuine and sincere.
Obama's position is to institute socialist policies in this country, which by defintion, make him an enemy of the Constitution

Oh snap, I threw the word socialist in there.

Does everyone know what that means? Are we on the same page?
'Socialized' means under group control. Specifically, in this context, the word is a proxy for 'government' control. We all need to learn about these things. And perhaps learn a little more about reverse racism.
It might help prevent this::
An informed voter is a wise voter, get the facts, read between the lines. In this regard, the press has always been the cornerstone in the foundation of American democracy … that is, until the press became such an advocate of socialism and liberal politics that it can no longer be relied upon to convey "fair and balanced" information.
Such is why I do not watch the news or trust the media. I find my answers through friends, family and other trusted sources.
Anyway, back to work. Get out and vote!


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