
[[.Catch a Falling Star.]]

Since I've received emails filled with complaints that I haven't blogged in a few weeks, I thought I would.

So. to make it up to all of you...all three of you...Here is my list of Dirty, Dirty Secrets that are about to be not so secret anymore.
Brace yourselves.
I am feeling very proud of myself today.

1. I sing very bad folk songs in the shower. Oh yes, I do. It is all AM Gold, all the time in there.
Do not tell Dean.
Really, we should not be too worried about Dean though, who never reads this site anyway, even when I tell him, "HEY! I wrote about you! Go read!" When I tell him this, he invariably says, "Oh, I will totally read that, sometime in the future when I have nothing to do, even though I am sitting at a computer playing Solitaire right now at this exact minute, but I cannot possibly be dragged away because HI,.. SOLITAIRE is more interesting than you."
Maybe that is not exactly what he says. But it is what his heart says to me.

2. Still on the music subject. There are times where I will listen to nothing but Perry Como and John Denver on repeat. Take me home, Country roads.

3. ..you know, actually..no more. I now am having anxiety mortified if I told too much.

Anyway. So my lease is up at the end of this month, can you believe it? And I have to tell you. I hate moving. I am having to pack up all of my things in boxes (as that is, you know, sort of the cornerstone of the moving process), and I have filled FIVE trash bags (seriously. Yes.) with crap from my closet, and...and...ugh. It's driving me up a wall.

But it's all worth it since Dean's been working his butt off making sure the house is perfect. And so far it looks beautiful, he's done a great job.

You know what I realized you guys? I am seriously the biggest klutz I know. I cannot walk in a straight line, and I live in everloving fear of a sobriety checkpoint, because I could not walk in a straight line if I had just returned from six weeks in a convent, in a cave, UNDER A ROCK, without even the THOUGHT of alcohol within a seventy square-mile radius. It does not matter! I can't do it! I will fall down! And then I will go to jail!
Ahh, geez. I am so crabby today it's ridiculous.

I NEED to get back in school. I honestly cannot understand why people are SO quick to assume that just because I might be just a little quiet, because I'm SHY, and not so talkative because I can't HEAR anything, that I'm not intelligent. Other reasons I might not be so responsive to you could be simply that I do not LIKE you, am not IMPRESSED by you and think you're completely TRIVIAL.

All right, I'm finished.


Anonymous,  7.10.08  

Stop being such a CRAB Spongebob!
I'm happy to see you're still alive! Hopefully I can come see your new house soon!!
Hey, remember Nik's old blogger site? I found it, and it has a bunch of neat pictures.
Check it out sometime.

Jodi 8.10.08  

You are SO funny!
I love reading your blog on my downtime.
I'm glad you're going back to school, keep me updated!

Joe Mazzello 10.10.08  

AM Gold, really? HAHA.
And why would you ever worry about a sobriety checkpoint? You don't even drink!
Or do you?
Wow, I just felt like I was put in my place.
Hilarious Chelsey, hilarious.

Anonymous,  10.10.08  

you're ugly and i hate you.

Anonymous,  14.10.08  

So...you're ugly and hated? Pfft..more like "you're incredibly gorgeous, hot, smart and amazing and I'm jealous."

yeah, read that over and over bitch, because CHELSEY IS EFFING AMAZING AND BETTER THAN YOU, ALWAYS WILL BE!!!

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