
[.I'm Lost Without You.]

I know that you can't miss me if I don't go away, but..here I am. Back on the net, feeling IMMENSELY sorry for myself. I'm trying to decide where to start, and how to distill these events into a cohesive narrat...ah, here it is.

....everything is falling apart..provided that it is anywhere close to me. I don't know what my problem was this weekend, but apparently, I have caught some brand of funk that causes all things within my vicinity to disintegrate before my very eyes. Everything is breaking.
In short, I have a stalker. Even shorter, this stalker has caused others to be involved, thus making this a neverending issue. I feel like I'll never recover.
I've got family problems that I will not publish, because I do have that much respect for their privacy. Under current circumstances, I've learned to be a little more vigilant about what I write on the internet.

All of this aside, the real reason worth blogging and the real reason to not sit around and wallow in self pity is that one of my best friends is in the hospital. I have hardly any details except that she took an almost lethal combination of medication. She's in ICU and hasn't woken up yet. The Doctor's are sure she is going to have some brain damage but should wake up and be okay. Worst of all, no one knows if this was intentional.
How do these things happen? How could someone let these things happen? I'm not trying to blame anyone, but I mean...the girl does not live in a cave or under a rock. She works, is a part of a charitable organization and spends every night with her family. How could her being depressed go unnoticed? It's times like these where I HATE being so far away. I hardly slept at all last night, because I kept wondering if someone was there with her. She has a wonderful family, and fortunately her father is a surgeon as well as her Aunt. There's just something about not being there that makes you feel this huge void.
I love Casey so much. She has become one of the few people that I can trust and pour my heart out to. And we've only become close in the past year. Her brother dubbed us "the barbie twins". I'm the one with the advice and shoulder to lean on..she's the one who will always bring a smile to your face and remind you that everything will be fine and it's okay to laugh.
Okay, I can't continue this. I'm having enough trouble keeping this all inside and just need to get through the work day. But I at least wanted her to see that even though I'm far away, she's in my heart, thoughts and prayers right now and means so so so much to me.
You're in all of our thoughts and prayers. God speed a full recovery.
Thanks for reading,


Jocelyn 15.10.08  

Aww, I love this.
And I still love you, even though you yelled at me :)
Casey will be okay, you know we are all taking good care of her, no worries.
I'll call you later for updates!

Carl 16.10.08  

the girls told me to check this out. I love it. Thanks for always being such a great friend to my sister.
We miss you down here, truly.

Anonymous,  17.10.08  

Hi I am just looking through blogs and I found yours interesting and would like to invite you to become my friend. I have a mild art blog and I am always looking to make new friends, are you up to it?

I hope to see you soon, take care

Anonymous,  4.12.08  

AWWW Chels!
I was catching up on what I missed awhile back and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! This blog made me CRY!
You're the greatest friend, thank you so much for writing this. I knew you loved me best. :)

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