
[.Someone Disrupted the Force.]

So this morning didn't seem to be any different than any other day. And today, I really just wanted to blog about Dexter, the office mascot...and our vengence that we seek against one another everyday. But no, NO, no. I have to blog about this.
And here we go!

I answer 9 phone lines all day, everyday. I get calls from clients, prospects for future clients, insurance companies, insurance sales, marketing and among all of these...hostile, bitter solicitors.
About 6-7 months ago, I receive a call from this company called "Quantum". The guy asked for an Agent that handled annuities. I told him the agent he's asking for is in a business meeting, and if I could transfer him to someone else that could assist him. He replies "Another broker please" I asked if I could tell them who is calling. He then repeated "another broker please". "Okay, well I need to let them know who is calling" And he said "broker please" repeatedly until I hung up on him. The phone rings, I answer...silence...then...

"when your boss finds out you lost him millions of dollars, you're going to get fired you little b!?$%".
I told my boss about this, and he calls the guy back and gives him an earful. (I love working here).
ANYHOW, back to THIS morning. A woman calls asking for the "Business Owner or Office Manager". I politely tell her that he is out of town and if I could take a message. Which in Chelsey Speak translates to "I am going to pretend to write down your information and pretend to put it on his desk". She askes if I make any of the decisions for the business, I tell her no. She then proceeds to tell me anyway and I hung up on her to take the two calls that were ringing. I could hardly understand her, she had a thick Middle Eastern accent and talked way too fast. THEN....

"I just wanted to let you know there's a bomb in your establishment".
She hung up. I *69'd that line and wrote down her number.
I called and asked "did you say there was a bomb in our establishment?"
"Yes". (uh, wtf?!)
"I am going to file a police report against you."

One of the girls called back asking her name. Katy. And apparently she is in Florida. So I tell Eric this and he called the police. All he really wanted was an officer to call and say that her actions were inappropriate and unlawful.

The dispatcher told us in order to file a report we'd have to have the police search the building. So we did, they asked us a lot of questions and said they'd give her a call. I don't know how I could possibly provoke these solicitors to be SO furious and aggressive. I guess I'm just that great.
So, all I can really say is....


Jocelyn 23.10.08  

Sometimes whenever I think my life is all over the place, I read your blog...
and it just doesn't seem THAT bad. HAHA!
You're the greatest story teller, ever. Really, you're gifted!

Jodi 27.10.08  

Oh my goodness! I hope they did contact that woman. I can't believe that.
At least a great office story came out of it right? :)

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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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