
[[.Yellow Brick Road.]]

Friends, in the interest of total and complete frustration, I am going to go ahead and post this entry. I have written two other entries, but I have inadvertently deleted them both, and it is getting very very frustrating over here in my small, small world.
But only this one time, I will actually keep this one, because it continued to be funny to me, and I thought, well, heck. I will keep this for my own amusement. Because at least I will sort of giggle mildly upon rereading. But I won't actually post it, because, I try not to post rambling entries, according to a hardline rule that I made up one morning. And lord knows, we can't violate that ironclad rule of blog governance! Heavens no!
But, obviously, that was before I deleted two entries in a row, and before I finally exploded with GOOD GRIEF SCREW IT ALL about the entire situation. And now I am thinking along the lines of "Also, screw that ironclad rule thing, too, because since when is the internet bound by rules? Guidelines, people! Advisories! That's all that exists in this brave new world, and I'm going forward with a boring, lame-o entry, and we will probably all survive.
But, the timing was interesting, to say the least, and it forced me to put a lot of stuff in perspective. And because I am not particularly good with perspective...where there are angles involved, Like in geometry, In which I believe I earned a C..., that whole business took me a while.
But, okay. So here I am. And, I'm not sad anymore. Instead, every day, I've gotten better. And at this point, I'm feeling pretty awesome, actually; in fact, I'm happier than I remember being in years. Things work out the way they're supposed to, it turns out. And I've learned that sometimes, you're running a race that you really don't want to win. Smart or not, though, I am still compelled to share my lessons learned.
I don't know! I am just here to communicate words, in varying degrees of coherence. Because, that is kind of 'my thang' so to speak: Sporadic Coherence. Word fumbling.. and also bruising. Okay, I can't think of another one.
Hey, should I just go back to work ? I should probably just go back to bed. And forget this entry ever existed. And yet, I forge on.
So, I’m kind of far behind in my laundry. I am also kind of far behind in “calling people back,” “reading or responding to emails,” and “bringing the mail from the mailbox to the house.” It has been that kind of busy. Busy how, I have no idea, but for some undisclosed reason I have neglected to do those things.
So, in short: I am a little overwhelmed right now. And being overwhelmed makes me talk in a mysterious manner. And then I am like an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, soaked in an acid trip, and then played out on reality television. In short twice, my life rules. But my emails rule more.


Anonymous,  17.9.08  

you're rambling is sexxxxxy.lol! girl you should TOTALLY come out with me to Palo Alto, we're going to go see my brother and go sightseeing. No-Cal is fabulous.

Anonymous,  10.10.08  

You really think people are interested in what you think and say?
You're stupid.

Anonymous,  14.10.08  

YEAH! People ARE interested in what she has to say! Because she actually has FRIENDS and a LIFE.
Chels, why didn't you delete these?

Anonymous,  14.10.08  

I need to make a google email so I can blog and have a real indentity. I'm just a name, I don't even have a URL I'm such a nothing.

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