
[.What are We Thankful For?.]

Despite the number of emails I have received asking whether I do, in fact, need some bail money, the answer is no, thank you. I am not in jail. I am not in jail, or kidnapped, or shipwrecked, or anything else remotely interesting.
"Hey, what does a psychotic break feel like?"


I had a rough weekend. But hey, it's getting better.
I have spent most of this week recovering, and not moving around very much. I am slug-like in my recovery. We have been watching a lot of television, and it is KILLING ME that nobody I know is watching Two & 1/2 Men, because really...well, I don't know. I just love John Cryor.
Anyway it's the day before Thanksgiving and tomorrow I'll be at my Mom's house. Where the primary cooks usually start out to be to be my Mom, Emily and myself, but which naturally turns into my Mom pretty much doing everything, while giving us "important," non-cooky jobs like, "wash the potatoes" and "turn on the oven and stand over there." The meal is always excellent, though, and the fact that I do not actually perform the bulk of the cooking does not prevent me from taking full credit.
"I cooked Thanksgiving dinner," I am telling everyone. "I made that."
But I lie.
Tomorrow is going to be hard. We just lost my Granny last Friday (don't want to talk about it) and it still hasn't really sunk in with any of us. My Grandpa will be coming over, which is wonderful because I was afraid he'd stay home by himself. So I think it's finally going to hit us, and it will hit us really hard.
My Mom suggested doing a craft day with the girls. That way we can keep busy. So we'll be making Christmas gifts, burning our fingers to the bone with glue guns, and as always...eating all day long.
Anyway, I'll be keeping distant and keeping busy...don't mind me now, it's just a crazy holiday season.



[.Who's Cryin' Now.]

I think this sums up my current mental state. I'd let you all in on why, but I'm better than that.

Sorry there's still no "Back in the day" blog yet. I'm still working on the pictures.

But look at the bright side, amongst these long, trivial days maybe something interesting or eventful will happen and you will all be treated to a story.

I appreciate everyone's patience and using less profanity in their emails to me. And, with that, I will stop talking about this forever, because seriously, this is turning out to be the most boring entry of all time.




[.Don't Stand So Close to Me.]

"Chelsey I've already SEEN THOSE PICTURES OF YOU!"


Yeah, I lied. I am so sorry.
I'm a failure.

I didn't scan my pictures and I obviously didn't post that blog what, two or three days ago like I promised. Instead you're stuck with these three photos I found.
I suck at life.

Bad stuff happens to me. a lot.
Now, I realize I bring a lot of it on myself, in that I'm outstandingly clumsy. and you all know that because it's been either mentioned or witnessed by some of you.
But the way my life works is that if there is only one faulty paper coffee cup in the whole lot, it will be the one Wendy's gives me, and not only will I drip coffee down my shirt, which on that day would be white, on my way to something important, but also I'm positive I will slip and fall on the coffee that dripped to the marble floor in the important building's entryway. And wouldn't you know it, there'd be a room full of people.
Lately I've been receiving quite a few emails about my hearing loss and what I'm really feeling about it. Opposed to what everyone believes is a front that I'm putting up to hide my fear and depression.
Honestly, I'm okay. I'm not putting up a front and I'm just trying to see the positive rather than the negative in an unfortunate situation. I'm even starting to believe that Deafness may in fact be a gift from God. And for what reasons, I give you the following;

One of my greatest pet peeves is inappropriate gum-chewing, by which I mean people who chew gum with their mouths gaping wide open where I can see and hear them. Did they stray from the herd and get lost in the cattle drive?

Awkward conversations. Who approaches the deaf kid?

When and IF I use a public restroom, I don't have to hear what's going on in the other stalls.

I can focus better on my work, now that I can't hear the noisy distractions.

I have the option to tune out your horrible music taste in your car. You all should be grateful, no more complaining and repetitious station changing.

And also, it has a positive effect on my communication. Reading people's lips while they are speaking to me is something I rely on right now. In doing this, I'm becoming less uncomfortable looking directly at someone during conversation.
So there you have it. It's allllll good.

Oh yeah, about those pictures,I will go through my garage tonight, hopefully I'll stumble across that old shoebox. I'm sure this has been figured out however..that I "will" usually means "I'll try" in which I'll likely get caught up in life and again forget to do so and disappoint all of you.
So for all my legions of fans (hi, you two) I will eventually get to it. You know, in "Chelsey's Window of Potentia".
So in the mean time, I'll pretend like this blog is interesting enough to hold you over.
it's kinda like walking down the street thinking you're attracting attention because you look hot when really your fly's just down.




[.She's SO Cool, She's ALL THAT.]

You know what I realized when I was on Myspace today? That TOAD THE WET SPROCKET is playing at the CANYON CLUB in AGOURA HILLS on December 31st. I think my heart just squealed and quivered.
So, pretty much my favorite singer/songwriter of the now is; Glen Phillips, former lead singer of the TTWS. And this man is just unreasonably talented, and his lyrics will make you see Jesus, every time. If you've never heard of him, I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you check him out, especially if you like pretty music and incredible lyrics. Folkiness. ANYWAY. More importantly, even, is that I am going to miss this FANTASTIC show and I'm bummed. Because I truly know that the possibility exists that I will fall madly in love with this man and offer to have a bucketful of his children.
Anyway. Not that you will ever trust my opinion again now that I have told you about my TTWS obsession (did I just abbreviate that? totally did), but I have to share something else now.
Hiiiiii! I am back! And I'm getting back into the comings and goings of attempting piano playing. Which rocks, as normal, in my usual manner of being exceedingly lame. Truly I can only play a moderatly average version of Bach's Canon D Major. But I'm trying guys! I've gots to learns some new ones for California.
My friend Casey has decided to call off her wedding (yes, that's a good thing) and Jocelyn has decided to finally break away from her husband. So in honor of the dissolution of marriage (and 170 invited guests to a wedding that will not happen) we're having a party instead! So I've got a magic list of over 100 songs that she would like/may like/could go either way that she would like all of us to play for her. And everytime I receive a new list, she gets wind of a new theme, like "The 80's", "Sock Hop", "Disney Showtunes". So I have absolutely no idea of my fate at this party.
I am all tired of typing right now. Which is unfortunate, seeing as I am just now getting to the actual point of this entry, which was, well actually let's be honest there's never a real point to my entries. But forces are clearly aligning against me, because in addition to leading us all off on a tangent, I also forgot the USB driver with a bunch of pictures on it. I'll make it up to all of you though, I'll scan some of my most embarassing high school moments and previous years. But we'll travel back in time to the awkward years, they are kind of amusing to me, but I’ve definitely seen worse. Maybe you have not, maybe I'll make your day while you're laughing at my pain.
The pictures I have..now these must have been from the tail-end of the 90's, and therefore, the end of the 80's and 90's fashions I so lovingly embraced. We were moving away from a time of platforms, adidas, 70's style bellbottoms and spaghetti straps.... and into a time where I longed to dress like Sarah Michelle Geller from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Rachel Leigh Cook from She's All That.
I stocked up on low waist jeans, mini skirts, chunky jewelry and skate shoes.
Yessir, high school was the beginning of many new experiences. And I promise, promise I'll scan pictures. If I'm feeling a little saucy, maybe I will tonight.

Hope everyone's having a beautiful Monday. :)



[.Heat of the Moment.[

k. I feel bad.
I feel like I owe some of you an apology. or an explanation or something. See, I am way sarcastic. dry. tongue-in-cheek. (in addition to being somewhat of a narcissist and perhaps a nerd too .)
and so I should probably clarify: Hi, I'm not a contraversial blogger.
I didn't mean to offend anyone with my political opinions. I was merely venting.
So that being said... I totally love you all and have MAJOR crushes on, like, most of you. (not all of you, mind you, because i'm not *that* e-slutty.) (no seriously.) (okay whatever.)
I'm only a human being people.
I fall a lot. And spill. And trip. I am always bruised. (True story: as I was driving to work after lunch, I noticed that I had managed to get mascara on my pant leg, just under my knee and on the other leg near my thigh. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? I don't know. It just...does.) My friend refers to this as my "breezy elegance." I am trying to embrace it.
And could you even guess what I yelled when I looked down upon my sad pair of slacks and noticed this problem?
"Ohhh pumpernickle!". Huh? Who says pumpernickle? What is pumpernickle? And why would that be the first word upon the many that I know, that sums up my current frusteration? Do I have some kind of underlying hatred for Rye Bread? Or the Germans? Am I blaming the Nazis for my clumsiness? Hmph.
Seriously, I'm cute and fun and all, but I am also often a bit much at times. you know? Can you even imagine? Do you have any idea how much I talk? About nothing? And everything? All at once?

You really don't, and that's fine. That's probably why we're still friends.

Anyways, just thought I'd throw that all out there.

Oh. Yes. Hey...you guys...I'm going to California the first week of December. Suh-weet! =)



[.Uncle Sam Wants Me? Oh, wants me to shut up.]

Since I don't feel very comfortable talking about my political views (again) I will try blogging about an entirely different subject. But before that, let me just say that I have not voted yet and I am not looking forward to standing in line at the booths.
A bunch of "No to Prop I don't care, No Prop 200 you are going to raise my taxes. Prop what? Is that Congress speak for 'bend over and we'll ram you?'.'Prop 102, if I vote no would that make me gay?'." no, heck no, pfft, no", 'choose this guy', 'he's weird', 'is that name of non-American decent?', 'oh..I remember that guy, his television ad made me choke on my fist'. "Ahh, the Presidential box....hmm, last thought before this impact I make on the entire country? Maybe I'll channel in McCain through brainwaves. 'Yo, if you're President Mr. McCain...[Note: superstition won't allow me to use the word "when" for fear I'll jinx things], I'm putting you on my speed dial, and I expect you to pick up when I call. When I tell you I want a little sugar for a pet project of mine, I expect to see sweets showering down from the heavens'. That'll be all."

Well crap, now I've done got myself all worked up over politics and find myself grasping for an incling of words that can sum up my frusteration and provide some knowledge for my left brain, blue bruising friends.
Do you ever feel like this?
I do sometimes. It's suffocating.

First and foremost, again, I am non-partisan. I did register as a Republican, this year.

I am not voting for McCain because I like the man. Because in all reality, I don't like the man. He was my last choice. For now, he's my only hope.
I do admire the fact that he fought so hard for this country and his passion is genuine and sincere.
Obama's position is to institute socialist policies in this country, which by defintion, make him an enemy of the Constitution

Oh snap, I threw the word socialist in there.

Does everyone know what that means? Are we on the same page?
'Socialized' means under group control. Specifically, in this context, the word is a proxy for 'government' control. We all need to learn about these things. And perhaps learn a little more about reverse racism.
It might help prevent this::
An informed voter is a wise voter, get the facts, read between the lines. In this regard, the press has always been the cornerstone in the foundation of American democracy … that is, until the press became such an advocate of socialism and liberal politics that it can no longer be relied upon to convey "fair and balanced" information.
Such is why I do not watch the news or trust the media. I find my answers through friends, family and other trusted sources.
Anyway, back to work. Get out and vote!



I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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