[.You Might Think I'm Crazy.]
I really don't have excessive amounts of things for this entry, because it's really more of a head's-up, hello kind of thing. Which is atrociously boring, isn't it? But, you know, if I think about it, I bet before I am finished writing all of these words down, something will remind me of something else, and then I will go off on a tangent and we will all be treated to a story about something embarassing and/or tragic had happened. Because that is just how I roll.
Anyway! SO, here is the latest, in no particular order, and also I am hungry, but nobody can help me there, because the only thing in my refrigerator is mustard.

I truly don't have much to say...I did a lot this weekend but that blog will come when I have pictures, because you can't do the whole blogger thing and not have pictures.
But just because I don't necessarily have anything interesting to say does not mean that I won't write anyway. You know this. And today, I think we should have a frank discussion about the startling fact that I have been having some seriously 'effed up dreams, like very 'effed up.
And, hey. Know how you totally hate it when other people start talking about their dreams, and it lasts for, like, forever, and they go into all this tedious detail and you just want to start throttling them just so they will SHUT UP, OH MY GOSH, YOUR DREAMS ARE SO BORING?

(Still, if I get to choose which myna bird I am engaged to marry, I choose the one with the bigg hair. Big hair looks sort of hot and carefree on myna birds.)
Well, all I can say is. Im hungry.
Dude, Ricky Ricardo is 'effin HAWT.
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