
[[.I Eat Cannibals.]]

It's a song title, settle down.
You know, I was joking about my fridge in the last entry. I do have more than just mustard. There's an abundance of old, likely rotted food in there as well.
I do this just about every time I go to the grocery store. I cannot leave the grocery store without purchasing fruit, vegetables, cheese, and sandwich meats. And then I never eat them. They sit in the refrigerator or in the pantry, all hopeful and fresh, and I reach past them for Diet Cokes. I kill their hope, the small hopes of these little fresh foods, and ultimately, they give up and grow very sad mold, and must be tossed in the garbage. And then I go to the grocery store and think, "Wow, I'm out of turkey," AND THE CYCLE BEGINS ANEW.
Know how you can be really smart about some things, but really, phenominally stupid about others? And know how there are just some areas that you have not mastered, that really, you don't know too much about and are just kind of going by the seat of your pants and hoping like heck that NOBODY ASKS YOU ANYTHING, because you will almost certainly get caught in your zone of idiocy?
Well, I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person. Generally I know what's up with politics and the world and what darn thing Gwyneth wore to the Oscars this time. And I went to what some might call a college, and I do other things that imply A MODICUM of common sense.
But! I have absolutely no grasp of several things. None. I cannot learn them. I do not understand them. A sampling of these things include:
(1) Units of measurement (ounces to grams to what?)
(2) Geography (I think "Delaware" is maybe somewhere next to "Europe")
(3) Car parts in their entirety.. HI. THIS LAST ONE IS A PROBLEM.
Maybe I should try? I don't know. Might interfere with the amount of useless knowledge I have stored in my brain that I'd like to keep around for a trivia game of "You Don't know JACK!".
Wellllll, because I can't just sit here and daydream about an alternate life in which I was never given a real job with real duties and real work...I must leave.
Hope everyone enjoys their day.


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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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