
[[.The time's, they are a-changin'.]]

This may come as a shocker to most of you, if not ALL of you. But I did happen to catch Obama's speech. Not the exact night it was televised, but a recap on the news.
I'll be honest, he is a very motivational speaker. Not unlike his fellow Democrat Bill Clinton. But after seeing the tears, cheering, emotional craziness of his following I have to say: This is a man, America, not a God. You can't praise him as a hero when he has not accomplished anything yet.
Yes, it's historical. Yes, it's wonderful a Black man was nominated in a country that has been criticized (and continues to be criticized) for its racism, but he is NOT the right Black man. And although his acceptance speech, coincidentally or not, coincided with the 45th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream Speech" (who happened to be a Republican), he is NOT Martin Luther King.
The many changes, changes of a better America and a better future for us all, his promises, his promises; but those promises ring hollow when those of us, who can see through his political rhetoric, know Obama is saying anything and everything simply to get elected. He continues to morph into someone he is not, but that he thinks will be more palatable to a greater majority of voters. Obama is innexperienced and just does not have the life skills to do the job AND begin to articulate a positive message that hits on pro-growth themes. It is a juggling act to be sure but the pathway is there.
I do realize that this blog is going to upset all of my friends from California. The Democrats. Before anyone goes off accusing me of being a part of any party or a raging liberal...check yo' self. I'm non-partisan. I vote for who I think is the right canidate, not by the party. I'm not very open about my political views. In fact, I don't say much of anything to anyone regarding the election. Other than the small moans and groans that I'm stuck watching debates instead of Scrubs or the Discovery Channel.
That being said, on to McCain. --
I don't know much about him, didn't really care to have him as the running Republican candidate either. So I feel kind of stupid now for bringing up his name, but I'm far too lazy to hit backspace and try to find something else to fill up the void. I do like John McCain a little more now than in the beginning. I understand his motivations a little better. McCain's speech was not the rousing kind of oratory like Obama's but it was thoughtful and genuine. And that is something that is in direct contrast to Obama's speech. But I think I've heard more about McCain's VP, Sara Palin. Now once again, I'll kindly admit my ignorance that I knew nothing about Sarah Palin, other than the fact she's the Governor of Alaska. But what is it with her? My best guess is maybe she really is Tina Fey and the entire country is involved on what will be the greatest comedy sketch of all time.
I see many anti-McCain Republicans claimed they would be more likely to vote for him if he chose her as Vice President. And they are. Why are they fussin'? They also seem to forget that she isn't running for President, and McCain isn't dead.
Rant rant rant. I think I'll be getting back to work now. All this Political banter is making my brain swell.


Jodi 8.10.08  

Wow, this was impressive. You are a very intelligent girl.
I think you could do a lot more with that brain if you put it to use! Ha!
Good read.

Joe Mazzello 9.10.08  

What?! You're not with Obama? I thought you were a registered Democrat in California? Perhaps that was supposed to be kept on the DL and I just inadvertently outed you.
I apologize.
Anyway, found your blog and YOU! Thought I'd say hi. I'm glad to see you've still got that fire about you.

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