
[[.Yellow Brick Road.]]

Friends, in the interest of total and complete frustration, I am going to go ahead and post this entry. I have written two other entries, but I have inadvertently deleted them both, and it is getting very very frustrating over here in my small, small world.
But only this one time, I will actually keep this one, because it continued to be funny to me, and I thought, well, heck. I will keep this for my own amusement. Because at least I will sort of giggle mildly upon rereading. But I won't actually post it, because, I try not to post rambling entries, according to a hardline rule that I made up one morning. And lord knows, we can't violate that ironclad rule of blog governance! Heavens no!
But, obviously, that was before I deleted two entries in a row, and before I finally exploded with GOOD GRIEF SCREW IT ALL about the entire situation. And now I am thinking along the lines of "Also, screw that ironclad rule thing, too, because since when is the internet bound by rules? Guidelines, people! Advisories! That's all that exists in this brave new world, and I'm going forward with a boring, lame-o entry, and we will probably all survive.
But, the timing was interesting, to say the least, and it forced me to put a lot of stuff in perspective. And because I am not particularly good with perspective...where there are angles involved, Like in geometry, In which I believe I earned a C..., that whole business took me a while.
But, okay. So here I am. And, I'm not sad anymore. Instead, every day, I've gotten better. And at this point, I'm feeling pretty awesome, actually; in fact, I'm happier than I remember being in years. Things work out the way they're supposed to, it turns out. And I've learned that sometimes, you're running a race that you really don't want to win. Smart or not, though, I am still compelled to share my lessons learned.
I don't know! I am just here to communicate words, in varying degrees of coherence. Because, that is kind of 'my thang' so to speak: Sporadic Coherence. Word fumbling.. and also bruising. Okay, I can't think of another one.
Hey, should I just go back to work ? I should probably just go back to bed. And forget this entry ever existed. And yet, I forge on.
So, I’m kind of far behind in my laundry. I am also kind of far behind in “calling people back,” “reading or responding to emails,” and “bringing the mail from the mailbox to the house.” It has been that kind of busy. Busy how, I have no idea, but for some undisclosed reason I have neglected to do those things.
So, in short: I am a little overwhelmed right now. And being overwhelmed makes me talk in a mysterious manner. And then I am like an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, soaked in an acid trip, and then played out on reality television. In short twice, my life rules. But my emails rule more.



[[.The time's, they are a-changin'.]]

This may come as a shocker to most of you, if not ALL of you. But I did happen to catch Obama's speech. Not the exact night it was televised, but a recap on the news.
I'll be honest, he is a very motivational speaker. Not unlike his fellow Democrat Bill Clinton. But after seeing the tears, cheering, emotional craziness of his following I have to say: This is a man, America, not a God. You can't praise him as a hero when he has not accomplished anything yet.
Yes, it's historical. Yes, it's wonderful a Black man was nominated in a country that has been criticized (and continues to be criticized) for its racism, but he is NOT the right Black man. And although his acceptance speech, coincidentally or not, coincided with the 45th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream Speech" (who happened to be a Republican), he is NOT Martin Luther King.
The many changes, changes of a better America and a better future for us all, his promises, his promises; but those promises ring hollow when those of us, who can see through his political rhetoric, know Obama is saying anything and everything simply to get elected. He continues to morph into someone he is not, but that he thinks will be more palatable to a greater majority of voters. Obama is innexperienced and just does not have the life skills to do the job AND begin to articulate a positive message that hits on pro-growth themes. It is a juggling act to be sure but the pathway is there.
I do realize that this blog is going to upset all of my friends from California. The Democrats. Before anyone goes off accusing me of being a part of any party or a raging liberal...check yo' self. I'm non-partisan. I vote for who I think is the right canidate, not by the party. I'm not very open about my political views. In fact, I don't say much of anything to anyone regarding the election. Other than the small moans and groans that I'm stuck watching debates instead of Scrubs or the Discovery Channel.
That being said, on to McCain. --
I don't know much about him, didn't really care to have him as the running Republican candidate either. So I feel kind of stupid now for bringing up his name, but I'm far too lazy to hit backspace and try to find something else to fill up the void. I do like John McCain a little more now than in the beginning. I understand his motivations a little better. McCain's speech was not the rousing kind of oratory like Obama's but it was thoughtful and genuine. And that is something that is in direct contrast to Obama's speech. But I think I've heard more about McCain's VP, Sara Palin. Now once again, I'll kindly admit my ignorance that I knew nothing about Sarah Palin, other than the fact she's the Governor of Alaska. But what is it with her? My best guess is maybe she really is Tina Fey and the entire country is involved on what will be the greatest comedy sketch of all time.
I see many anti-McCain Republicans claimed they would be more likely to vote for him if he chose her as Vice President. And they are. Why are they fussin'? They also seem to forget that she isn't running for President, and McCain isn't dead.
Rant rant rant. I think I'll be getting back to work now. All this Political banter is making my brain swell.



[[.I Eat Cannibals.]]

It's a song title, settle down.
You know, I was joking about my fridge in the last entry. I do have more than just mustard. There's an abundance of old, likely rotted food in there as well.
I do this just about every time I go to the grocery store. I cannot leave the grocery store without purchasing fruit, vegetables, cheese, and sandwich meats. And then I never eat them. They sit in the refrigerator or in the pantry, all hopeful and fresh, and I reach past them for Diet Cokes. I kill their hope, the small hopes of these little fresh foods, and ultimately, they give up and grow very sad mold, and must be tossed in the garbage. And then I go to the grocery store and think, "Wow, I'm out of turkey," AND THE CYCLE BEGINS ANEW.
Know how you can be really smart about some things, but really, phenominally stupid about others? And know how there are just some areas that you have not mastered, that really, you don't know too much about and are just kind of going by the seat of your pants and hoping like heck that NOBODY ASKS YOU ANYTHING, because you will almost certainly get caught in your zone of idiocy?
Well, I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person. Generally I know what's up with politics and the world and what darn thing Gwyneth wore to the Oscars this time. And I went to what some might call a college, and I do other things that imply A MODICUM of common sense.
But! I have absolutely no grasp of several things. None. I cannot learn them. I do not understand them. A sampling of these things include:
(1) Units of measurement (ounces to grams to what?)
(2) Geography (I think "Delaware" is maybe somewhere next to "Europe")
(3) Car parts in their entirety.. HI. THIS LAST ONE IS A PROBLEM.
Maybe I should try? I don't know. Might interfere with the amount of useless knowledge I have stored in my brain that I'd like to keep around for a trivia game of "You Don't know JACK!".
Wellllll, because I can't just sit here and daydream about an alternate life in which I was never given a real job with real duties and real work...I must leave.
Hope everyone enjoys their day.



[.You Might Think I'm Crazy.]

I really don't have excessive amounts of things for this entry, because it's really more of a head's-up, hello kind of thing. Which is atrociously boring, isn't it? But, you know, if I think about it, I bet before I am finished writing all of these words down, something will remind me of something else, and then I will go off on a tangent and we will all be treated to a story about something embarassing and/or tragic had happened. Because that is just how I roll.
Anyway! SO, here is the latest, in no particular order, and also I am hungry, but nobody can help me there, because the only thing in my refrigerator is mustard.

I can't stop saying "Outrageous" Outrageous! I have been threatening outrageousness, describing outrageousness, and loudly suggesting being outrageous for days now. How did that get stuck in my head, I wonder? Crazy perhaps? I'd think so.
I truly don't have much to say...I did a lot this weekend but that blog will come when I have pictures, because you can't do the whole blogger thing and not have pictures.
But just because I don't necessarily have anything interesting to say does not mean that I won't write anyway. You know this. And today, I think we should have a frank discussion about the startling fact that I have been having some seriously 'effed up dreams, like very 'effed up.
And, hey. Know how you totally hate it when other people start talking about their dreams, and it lasts for, like, forever, and they go into all this tedious detail and you just want to start throttling them just so they will SHUT UP, OH MY GOSH, YOUR DREAMS ARE SO BORING?
----If you answered "yes", you probably want to quit reading. Now. ---
Because last night, I dreamt that I was engaged to Desi Arnaz and a myna bird.
No, really. I'm absolutely serious.
And, yeah, I can see the Desi Arnaz thing, because I've been watching a lot of 'I Love Lucy' lately. I watch it everyday on my lunch when I get the chance, and then whenever I see it otherwise. So I have been, essentially, SATURATED with Desi Arnaz to the point that it is NOT SURPRISING that my unconscious mind believes that Desi and I (I get to call him Desi) have developed some sort of special, two-dimensional relationship. So this can be explained. But...a myna bird?
I mean, first off, what the HECK is a myna bird?
I didn't even know. I had to
look it up.
It turns out that they are pesky and small and inappropriate marriage material. I'm pretty sure the name was subconciously embedded into my brain from the Discovery Channel.
(Still, if I get to choose which myna bird I am engaged to marry, I choose the one with the bigg hair. Big hair looks sort of hot and carefree on myna birds.)



I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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