
[.kind of a drag.]

Current mood: amused
Hi there! Hope you are not looking for something good! Because, I have been a little busy. And apparently, as demonstrated below, I do not have the time for complete sentences. Aren't you psyched?
Hmm, predictable. So like you.
Ahh, I really don't have much to say. I just sorta felt like blogging. You see, I am alone right now. And these sorts of things happen. I've got so much on my mind. And just SO much that I want to talk about which I cannot...and so I won't. I will say that I really wish I could turn back time and I will leave it at that.

Y'know how you can be really smart about some things, but really, phenominally stupid about others?
It is about sixteen hundred degrees in this house. I am informed that the heat is stuck on high, but I do not know how to fix this.. This does not help me very much.
I actually called the Police about 45 minutes ago...
And which is also just wrong, but additionally scary as all hell, and at one point, I became convinced that I was about to be murdered. Because I kept on hearing these huge banging noises, when I was supposed to be all alone in the house, but guess what?! It was not a murderer. Instead, my neighbor was outside, fixing his lights, and through a miracle of physics and what-all, it was echoing into MY house. It was all a load of fun and terror, and before I learned this helpful bit of information, it is possible that I armed myself with scissors and a stapler, and roamed the house all Mission-Impossible-ing around the corners, scared out of my friggin' mind. And totally prepared to prod and collate someone to death. Because you NEVER KNOW. KILLERS FEAR STAPLERS. I believe.
Dude, kind of scanning over this blog. What the EFF am I talking about? Two glasses of wine will do that to ya.



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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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