
[.Walk, Don't Run.]

Oh, hai! Looking for me?
Okay, see, there was this thing? And then there was this other thing, and the net result of all of these things, and all of the SHEER PANIC and TERROR inspired by these things, and then, there was this:
I’m moving.
Oh, wait. That's not...interesting? Oh. Um, you're totally right!
This has been a long time coming. Most of you know this, and most of you know that you will not believe it until I’m actually right there, INYOFACE with my face. I’m shotally excited, peeps. You think you know, but you don’t. I’m just so thankful for my friends and family that have stuck around and supported me throughout the years. I appreciate them a whole lotta.
Aw. Look at me, getting all sentimental. You know, all this fuzzy sentimentality will disappear REALLY FRIGGIN’ FAST, THOUGH, when I have to actually...move. Then I will say things like, "This may be the worst idea in the history of mankind. Why can't I just keep all my junks in my car? I mean, besides the part where nothing hardly fits in my car.
Anyway, I’m so reckless. Haha, random! Why do I turn into such an incoherent weirdo when I blog?
But anyway. Hi! So, I've been a little busy, and I am now at work, typing reallyreallyreally fast, because I do not update from work, OH NEVER, because I, um hello am at work and should be working, but on this one occasion I am making an exception just so you all stop sending me profane, threatening emails. It's all for you! Look at the risky risks I do take.

What in the name of Sweet Fanny Adams...
I am out of CONTROL right now with craziness. I’m sure my resting heart rate is over 100. Lemme check...GOOD GRAVY 116.

Well, I’m going to leave now, for the sake of it being my lunch break and whatsuch.
I would say goodbye, but I'm sure I'll be back in an hour with something else. I'm just annoying that way.



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