
[.Walk of Life.]

I lay awake some nights, with half written post swirling in my head, wishing I could muster up the energy to get out of bed and put them in writing but my long busy days win out and I fall asleep with all those well constructed sentences vanished in thin air by the time I wake up. I go about my day without a inkling of a thought about writing but yet return to the same spot each night, same thoughts, same post.

Good grieeeef...Why does a new document in Word have to be so white? And wide? And…blank? It’s very intimidating, especially when you have NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT.
So I guess it’s time for some stream-of-consciousness writing, where I simply yap on about whatever occurs to me until I’ve filled up the majority of this big blank screen. I can tell you how much I suck at life.

  • I very nearly choked and died while taking a multivitamin. I started swallowing the pill before I even had my glass of juice up to my lips. Gag reflex ensued, but the vitamin got stuck in the back of my throat. Rather than take a swig of juice to dislodge it, I panicked and stood there gagging on it for a good 30 seconds.
    But in the end, I’m alive and full of nutrients.

  • While blow-drying my hair, I noticed that the little lint filter thing was pretty gross looking. So I popped the dryer open and started picking out lint. After deciding this was taking entirely too long, I put the filter back in the dryer and closed it up. Only I put the filter in the opposite way, because I figured this way I couldn’t see all the gross lint. Problem solved. Until I turned the dryer on and a big cloud of lint and dust came shooting out and into my hair.

  • I was dumped by my Pet Boyfriend because I totally forgot to go visit him. And I was kinda bummed about this.

I wish I had the desire to work out. Really. Why don't I, you ask? Now, is it because I’m lazy? Absolutely! But also, that I really hate it. I do. No, I hate it more than you do, because you probably DO work out. Even though YOU hate working out, you still do it anyway, right? Well, I hate it so much that I don’t. See? I win.
Want to know another reason why I suck? Somehow I have managed to completely screw up Gmail, the most user-friendly and idiot-proof email interface out there, and delete and entire label’s worth of emails. And then I went a step further and deleted them forever. Gmail users will understand how difficult this is, and have now lost all respect for my technical skills, and will probably send me t-shirts that say “LOSER” on them, or maybe "ASSCLOWN" or "I R A DUMASS".

Okay, I'm getting tired. My eyes burn and still I sit here, staring at the screen, forging on. I think Dean is really sleeping. Actually, he may have even gone to bed over an hour ago. Why am I here? Why is this happening to me? IS THIS REAL LIFE?

All right, all right, all right...I'm going to bed.



Jodi 9.7.09  

I'm so glad you've written more funny posts! Work has been terribly busy and I haven't been able to reply to my emails as quickly as I'd like to.
I miss you and am thinking of you a lot.
Will talk to you soon!

Carl 12.7.09  

I wish when you were laying awake you could at least have the decency to muster up some ideas on how you could move back here.
I always love your blogs and status messages, you never cease to make me laugh out loud like an idiot in the most awkward of places. But I really wish you were around making me laugh like that all day, everyday.
I miss ya.

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