
[[2009, No One Invited You...]]

Let me start off my saying "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

So, I haven't written much in the last couple weeks, but what is funny, is that actually, yes, yes I have. I have written two entries, but both are so ridiculous and nonsensical that in retrospect, I decided they did not, NOT need to be posted.

I suddenly ask myself though, why? Why should such labors be wasted?
Ahh, oh well.
Anyway, I still have my Christmas tree up...wondering when and why I should take it down....

In case you also were wondering, how you should definitely NOT take down your Christmas tree, like, you were thinking to yourself, "Self, exactly what would be the worst possible way to take down a Christmas tree, and what is the way that is most likely to involve destruction?" Which unfortunatly happens to me, because mine is fake and predictably I lose my temper and begin knocking the tree to the ground before removing any of the branches.
But if yours is real, I'm sorry...you will have pine needles raining over you and will get EVERYWHERE.
Bah, I will do it later.
Does this entry make sense?
Because I feel as though I am rambling.
Oh, you know what? It occurs to me that I have never written about my Jeep, my sad, long-suffering car that I have abused and driven irrationally and unsafely since I was nineteen (which isn't that long ago, but still), that keeps on chugging away even though I say mean things to it, and pass out and drive into ditches with it..except when it decides to die spectacularly on the side of the highway that one time.
Wow. Well, here's a picture>>v

Okay, I lie. That's my first Jeep. Within a month of having my license, I drove it into the back end of an Escalade. Give me a break, I was late for class and no one should be stopped on a highway.
But, my current Jeep is the same year, just blue.
I really hope it makes it for another couple of years. I'd hate to have a car payment, and also have a new car in which I constantly stare out the front window staring at assuming everyone walking by is casing it.

I really feel like going back up North and playing in the snow.
I had so much fun with my family. Despite almost getting frostbitten toes. I survived. :) There's me and Emily hanging out. >>>
I'll upload more as soon as I can get a hold of them.
Well, I just wanted to fill up an empty space and I feel as though I've done a decent job.

'night folks.



Carl 9.1.09  

Thank you for this, because I get really tired of checking your blog and seeing no updates. You never do anything with your myspace either, and I'm a dicc...I'm ADDICTED TO YOU... :)
Even though you always feel like you have nothing interesting to say, which you don't...HAHA. I joke.
You make do make nothing interesting and I love your brilliant mind.

Jocelyn 14.1.09  

Oh my gosh! Your sister is so big now! Beautiful girl.
And you look so freaking cute with that New Year hat on.
I've had nothing to blog about, I think I'll come see you so I do! =)

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