
[.SPAM, it's more than just fake meat.]

Okay, well. I feel compelled to write again (I know! So quick like!) because first of all, my spam? Really entertaining. For me anyhow. I'm not even deleting it.
Since when is "penis enlargement" coming up with witticisms? Why does "penis enlargement" kind of think nobody cares about me? Oh, penis enlargement, you're so clever, but why are you trying to make me feel bad about myself? You are penis enlargement!! Let's not project our little insecurities onto others. TSK TSK.
Not to mention, I am a girl. So all the more amusing.

This was going to be an entry about wedding stuff, and how sometimes I make proclamations that land me in trouble, or worse, that force me to do work, but, people!

Listen, things have changed dramatically in the last six minutes! Now, it is going to be an entry that is about the feathered spawn of Satan currently taking over the school campus, because, you guys? I was just physically attacked. By birds. Small ones. What the HELL?

Seriously! They're watching me right now. I am not exaggerating. Their eyes are saying words. And those words are "
Come here Chelsey, let us near you.. let us taste you.."
Here are the basic facts, which I will lay out for you:

(1) There are birds.
(2) They want to kill me.
(3) They are everywhere.

That is all.


Carl 1.8.10  

Is there SPAM in Super Macho? Because if that's the case, I'll give it a shot.

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I want some w00t-l00ps with extra lmaonaise delivered by r0flcopter or lmaoplane now! kthx.

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