[I'm Still Hungry for Bacon.]

If I have to hear or read about Swine Flu preparations one more time,
I might actually throw a pig at someone.
People are idiots. You're all idiots.
The symptoms, mortality rate, and treatment are no different from the common flu.
But in the midst of all of this chaos, there is a growing opinion that "swine flu panic" is almost as dangerous as the virus itself. Panic caused by a media determined to over-inform the world with breaking news to keep them all "prepared." Panic caused by both parents who are determined to vaccinate their children with untested, uncertain formulas in new viral vaccines due to their fears.
If someone coughs or sneezes in the workplace, they get sent home immediately and put into quarantine for a week. Um hi, what about allergies assclown? So now I have waste time at home away from work for a pollen intolerance?
All of this hysteria makes me want to run straight to a farm and kiss a pig. Or wear a dead one on my head like a hat. Sick, right?
*cough* oh...I need to lay down...do you smell bacon?
I definitely smell a pork product of some kind.
Oh my gosh, remember SARS?