[.Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?.]
It has already been a month since my last post? Really?
I don't know what the deal is, you know, with me not posting anything for forever. It might be because I've been really busy. That is a possibility.
Or, it might be because I've been trying to come up with an extra-funny essay that will make you laugh until you just fall down with all the hilarity. That also is possible. Or, you know, it MIGHT be that I have actually written THREE ESSAYS, all of which have somehow DISAPPEARED, possibly because I cannot remember how I SAVED them on this COMPUTER, because I am RETARDED.
I haven't been busy. And I was sitting here, imagining my individual brain cells, hanging out somewhere else, smoking itty bitty vials of crack or whatever, when I was immediately reminded that I need to post something before I get hatemail.
I haven't had much to say, at all the past couple of weeks..I mean, I could be making up idiotic captions for pictures I take with my cell phone in order to illustrate the random neuroses that plague me on a daily basis.
I haven't had much to say, at all the past couple of weeks..I mean, I could be making up idiotic captions for pictures I take with my cell phone in order to illustrate the random neuroses that plague me on a daily basis.
So most nights, exhaustion mixed with pathological boredom causes me to go to bed early. I managed to watch the entire Star Wars saga. And yes, I've nearly passed out on my desk trying to reach for my pencil with the force. The force is not strong in me, I fail.
The question is, what makes a geek? I’d always thought I didn’t particularly look like a geek - but that notion was shot down by a well-meaning person when I wondered why everyone assumed I was some kind of computer whizzkid. Besides the fact that I am one, of course. (in my dreams.)
I went to California this past weekend for my cousin's baby shower, it was a wonderful trip and I spent some time with family I don't see very often. Sunday morning, Heather's friend needed to be dropped off at the airport at 5:30. YESI'MSERIOUS. So we woke up at FOUR AM. Needless to say, Rob and I were ready to board a crazy train. Sunday night, my flight was at 6:35. we left at a decent time...but thanks to the universe, I get there and..:
The question is, what makes a geek? I’d always thought I didn’t particularly look like a geek - but that notion was shot down by a well-meaning person when I wondered why everyone assumed I was some kind of computer whizzkid. Besides the fact that I am one, of course. (in my dreams.)
I went to California this past weekend for my cousin's baby shower, it was a wonderful trip and I spent some time with family I don't see very often. Sunday morning, Heather's friend needed to be dropped off at the airport at 5:30. YESI'MSERIOUS. So we woke up at FOUR AM. Needless to say, Rob and I were ready to board a crazy train. Sunday night, my flight was at 6:35. we left at a decent time...but thanks to the universe, I get there and..:

So, I text Rob, he drives down to get me. What do we do 'til 8:40? Go to Applebee's of course! Two drinks each + dinners later, we get back to the airport and say our goodbyes. I can't say I regret it, it was valuable time spent with Rob, and to me, that is priceless.
Yeah, so. Anyway went through security, where I was not chosen for a body cavity search, which was really just shiny of TSA given the fact that I was disheveled to the point of looking like I’d spent the last year living in an isolated cabin somewhere, stockpiling weaponry and furiously typing letters to governmental agencies.
I made the flight, made it home. Yay. Now it's time for another weeked.
Yeah, so. Anyway went through security, where I was not chosen for a body cavity search, which was really just shiny of TSA given the fact that I was disheveled to the point of looking like I’d spent the last year living in an isolated cabin somewhere, stockpiling weaponry and furiously typing letters to governmental agencies.
I made the flight, made it home. Yay. Now it's time for another weeked.